Researcher and post doc positions at  EUs Joint Research Centre. Call for Expression of Interest

From: Kari Nordvik []
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 9:56 AM
To: ‘’
Cc: Anja Hegen; Jarl Giske; Elisabeth Muller Lysebo
Subject: [postkasser.mnfa] FW: Forsker- og post doc stillinger i EUs Joint Research Centre . Call for Expression of Interest —Research is now open for registration.


Forsker- og post doc stillinger  i  EUs Joint Research Centre. Call for Expression of Interest (English text below)

EU-kommisjonen har iverksatt en utvelgelsesprosedyre uten søknadsfrist for å få en liste over aktuelle kandidater som kan ansettes som forskere/post-doc (må ha ph.d) ved EUs Joint Research Centre (JRC) . Nedenfor finner du en lenke til utlysingen som altså er åpen for interessenter fra Norge og andre EU eller EU assosierte land.

Eventuell ansettelse og arbeidssted vil være ved ett av JRCs institutter i Geel (B), Karlsruhe (D), Petten (NL), Ispra (IT) og Sevilla (Sp) eller ved JRCs «hovedkontoret»  i EU-Kommisjonen, Bryssel.

JRC, som er Europa-kommisjonens egne forskningsinstitutter, er viktige for norske FoU-miljøer både mht. faglig utvikling og fordi JRC har direkte relevans for politikkutformingen i Europa.

Lenke til utlysingen:

Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) in Geel, Belgium
Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) in Karlsruhe, Germany
Institute for Energy and Transport (IET) in Petten, the Netherlands
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC) in Ispra, Italy
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) in Ispra, Italy
Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) in Ispra, Italy
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) in Seville, Spain
Policy Support Coordination Directorate (PSC) in Brussels, Belgium
Units attached to the Deputy Director-General in Brussels/Ispra
Ispra Site Management (ISM) in Ispra, Italy

Spørsmål om utlysningen kan rettes til Anja Hegen ved Forskningsadministrativ avdeling ( )



The European Commission is launching an open-ended selection procedure to create a pool of candidates from which to recruit contract staff. Under this new system, the Commission publishes calls for expressions of interest for different profiles and function groups according to its needs.

This first call for expressions of interest aims to create a database of candidates from which to recruit contract staff in function group IV to provide additional capacity in the research field in the Commission and, in particular, in the Joint Research Centre (JRC). This call is open to citizens of Member States and countries associated with the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

The database of candidates will be used and managed mainly by the JRC. The JRC reserves the right to close this call at any time.

Research contract staff will, under the supervision of a senior scientist, carry out their duties as members of a research team.

The duties may include dealing with matters relating to, for example:

  • Laboratory work
  • Modelling and simulation
  • Software development
  • Policy analysis
  • The design and execution of scientific and technical research, experiments
  • Ensuring availability of state-of-the-art scientific information and data in support of European research programmes
  • Providing a sound scientific basis to support policy-making
  • Writing, publishing and presenting scientific reports, articles and conference papers
  • Supporting activities related to the management and follow-up of the use of results and their dissemination
  • Supporting all activities related to the monitoring of good manufacturing, laboratory and clinical practices
  • Maintaining contacts with national and regional authorities dealing with research issues in the European Union
  • Participating in panels to evaluate research projects
  • Identifying experts and panel members in the research field

Please contact Anja Hegen, Division of Research Management ( if there are questions regarding the call.

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