Horizon lecture – professor Albert-László Barabási 25. August


Network data connection technology. Digital abstract 3d illustration.  Copyright: Colourbox

Network data connection technology. Digital abstract 3d illustration. Copyright: Colourbox

Welcome to a Horizons lecture Friday 25. August in Auditorium 1, Realfagsbygget. (Note the new location!)Refreshments will be served from 14.00,  prior to the lecture.

Find the event on UiB’s web pages: http://www.uib.no/en/matnat/109178/albert-lászló-barabási-network-science-structure-control

Join the event on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/1876374375934043/?ref=3&action_history=null


Everybody is welcome!

Velkomen til Horisontforedrag fredag 25.08 i Auditorium 1, Realfagsbygget. (Merk ny stad!)

Albert-László Barabási: En forståelse av komplekse selv-organiserende systemer

Lett servering frå klokka 14.00. Føredraget er på engelsk.

Kalenderoppslag på UiB.no: http://www.uib.no/matnat/109189/albert-lászló-barabási-en-forståelse-av-komplekse-selv-organiserende-systemer

Meld deg gjerne på på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1876374375934043/?ref=3&action_history=null


Alle er hjarteleg velkomne!



Professor Albert-László Barabási Copyright: barabasi.com

Professor Albert-László Barabási Copyright: barabasi.com

A Hungarian born native of Transylvania, Romania,  Albert-László Barabási received his Masters in Theoretical Physics at the Eötvös University in Budapest, Hungary and was awarded a Ph.D. three years later at Boston University. Barabási latest book is Network Science (Cambridge University Press, 2016). He has also authored «Linked: The New Science of Networks» (Perseus, 2002), currently available in fifteen languages, «Bursts: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do» (Dutton, 2010) available in five languages, and is the co-editor of «The Structure and Dynamics of Networks» (Princeton, 2005). His work lead to the discovery of scale-free networks in 1999, and proposed the Barabási-Albert model to explain their widespread emergence in natural, technological and social systems, from the cellular telephone to the WWW or online communities.



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