MIC has the pleasure to invite you to an OPEN DAY at our facility!

We have reserved 30th of September and 1st of October for the event.

MIC has a broad range of instruments available for all researchers in Bergen, and we would like to invite you to come and visit us to see for yourselves how we work and what we offer. You may join different demos and even bring own samples on some systems. To get a short summary of the different technologies please download «Technologies at MIC»  from https://www.uib.no/filearchive/technologies-at-the-molecular-imaging-center.pdf

In order to plan the day we need you to sign up and prioritize which systems you would like to visit, and we will meet your request as far as possible. There will for practical reasons be a limitation on how many demos per person we are able to fit into one day, but if you’re flexible regarding dates it’s also possible to come back another day.

Please follow this link to register (free of charge): https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=156402

We wish you all welcome, and please don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions.

All the best
MIC personnel
Molecular Imaging Center (https://www.uib.no/rg/mic)
Inst. of Biomedicine, BBB
Jonas Lies vei 91
5009 Bergen
Phone: 55586 007/698

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