New European research prize: the Novozymes Prize

The Novo Nordisk Foundation is pleased to announce the creation of a new European research prize, The Novozymes Prize. The purpose of the Prize is to raise awareness of basic and applied biotechnology research.

The Novozymes Prize is awarded to recognize outstanding research or technology contributions that benefit the development of biotechnological science for innovative solutions.

The Novozymes Prize is of DKK 3 million. DKK 2.5 million is a funding amount for the awardee’s research, while DKK 0.5 million is a personal award. The Prize is awarded for a predominantly European contribution.

The Call for Nominations is now open and a PDF with the call and the nomination form is attached to this email. The nomination form can also be found here.

NZ Prize Call and Nomination Form

Awardees must have a current position at a public or non-profit research institution in a European country. They can previously have worked anywhere and have any nationality. The Prize is awarded by a committee established by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The prize winner will be selected by the committee based on the nominations received.

Pernille Julø Risegaard
Executive Assistant, PA to the CEO

Novo Nordisk Fonden
Tuborg Havnevej 19
DK 2900 Hellerup
+45 3527 6603 (direct)
+45 3067 4803 (mobile)
CVR no 10 58 29 89

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