Påmelding til: «Ethics Appraisal Procedure» workshop, 16 juni

From: Kristin Hansen
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:52 AM
To: Sumathi Subramaniam; Emmanuel O. Babatunde; Anja Hegen; Vibeke Kyrkjebø Irgan; et al
Subject: [POST@mnfa.uib.no] Påmelding til: «Ethics Appraisal Procedure» workshop, 16 juni, fra kl 13:00-15:15, Ulrike Pihls Hus, Auditorium.

Tirsdag, 16. juni kommer Research Programme Manager Agni Kortsidaki, fra European Commission, til UiB for å holde en  workshop om «Ethics Appraisal Procedure.»

Information will be provided on how to fill in the ethics self-assessment of the proposal and how to deal with the requirements of the ethics screening or assessment.

The presentation will be followed by a discussion for questions, clarifications, concerns. Various examples will be given for a better understanding of the ethics issues which may be raised by a research.

At the workshop the ethics appraisal procedure will be explained. Some of the issues covered will be:

  • The legal basis
  • The relevant Grant Agreement Articles
  • The ethics appraisal steps
  • The role and tasks of the applicants, the scientific evaluators and the ethics experts
  • The requirements and recommendations generated by the appraisal
  • The role of ethics advisors and ethics mentors

The aim of the workshop is for the participants to familiarise themselves with the EC ethics appraisal procedure, to better prepare for future proposals and also to get information on how to deal with ethics checks during the lifetime of projects.

Påmelding: http://www.uib.no/foransatte/88663/ethics-appraisal-procedure


Time: 13:00-15:15

Date: June 16, 2015

Place: Ulrike Pihls Hus, Prof. Keysersgt. 1, Auditorium


Kristin Hansen
Forskningsadministrativ avdeling


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