The MCB research school offer these courses in the fall of 2015. All courses are open to anyone interested, but members of the research school have priority on courses with a limited number of places.
23-25 September: How to publish in peer-reviewed journals (1 ECTS credit)
This three-day course will take you from planning and preparing to writing and submitting a paper. You also receive in-depth advice on how to tackle the peer-review process and deal with reviewers and editors. You learn to understand the implicit rules of the peer-review publishing system and receive concrete advice how to overcome the various hurdles of this system with your particular paper. Registration deadline: August 31
19-20 October: The MCB Introductory course (2 ECTS credits)
The MCB Introductory course is mandatory if you want to become a member of MCB. The course starts with a 2-day workshop at Glesvær, an hour drive outside Bergen and goes on with site visits at the 5 partners participating in the MCB research schools. The dates for the site visits are not set, but will take place in November. Registration deadline: September 30
26-30 October: Salmon lice biology (3 ECTS credits)
Salmon lice are a challenge for wild salmon and trout and represent a threat to aquaculture industry. Salmon lice has interest of pure scientific reasons as a representative of parasitic copepods, and as an aquaculture pest. The knowledge about this organism therefore should have interests for many biologists from molecular biologists to evolutionary developmental studies in addition to candidates in fish health studies and veterinary medicine.
The course will consist of a mixture of lectures and practicals. Although the techniques and topics covered are directed specifically towards salmon lice work, much of the training will cover methodology and principles widely applicable within biology and molecular biology. Registration deadline: September 20
Sign up and questions: contact@mcw.uib.nol