Invitation to gathering for Rein Aasland December 14  

We please ask you to sign up for the gathering by Wednesday this week (December 7), if you wish to participate.

You sign up here:

The gathering will be Wednesday December 14 at 2 pm in the cantina at Høyteknologisenteret. Refreshments will be served.

Rein is ending his employment as Head of the department and as professor at Department of Molecular biology (MBI) to enter into the position as Head of the department at Department of Biosciences (IBV) at UoO from January 2017. MBI invites you to join a gathering to thank him for his efforts through more than 30 years at UoB.
Andrea Grimnes

Administrasjonssjef / Head of Administration
Molekylærbiologisk institutt /Department of Molecular Biology
Universitetet i Bergen

Phone: +47 55 58 45 24
Mobil: +47 971 72 904

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