Free Internet Courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics

I would like to inform that our September 2017 introductory course on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics (7.5 ECTS credits) given by Uppsala University is now open for application.

The course, which is free of charge for EU/EAA-citizens, is suited for researchers, post docs, teachers and students who are interested to learn how complex chemical and biomedical processes can be investigated even down to their finest chemical details using informatics, and how this can be used for the development of novel drugs.

To receive further information and signing up please visit .

On request of many previous participants we now also offer two additional courses:

  1. Applied Structural Pharmaceutical Bioinformatis (5 ECTS credits) (course start September 2017)
  2. Applied Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics (5 ECTS credits) (course start October 2017)

More information is available at .

I would be pleased if you could forward this message among your students, as we have difficulties to reach out to these.

If you have any questions regarding the courses I am at your disposal.


All my best regards

Jarl Wikberg, MD, PhD
Professor of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Head of Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics
Uppsala University
Tel +46-70-3 449 549

  1. If you encounter any problems in registering for the courses or have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. We have a dedicated administrator available who will help in all registration matters for our courses DS

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