Heineken Prizes 2018 – Call for nominations

Biennial awards for internationally acclaimed scientists and scholars

Nominations are now being accepted for the prestigious Heineken Prizes 2018. The deadline for nominations is 15 October 2017.

These international prizes, worth $ 200,000 each, reward outstanding achievement in the fields of:

?         Biochemistry and Biophysics

?         Cognitive Science

?         Environmental Sciences

?         History

?         Medicine

These biennial prizes are intended explicitly for scientists and scholars who are currently active in their field and whose research still holds considerable promise for future innovative discoveries. International juries will select the winners.

The Heineken Prizes are offered by the Dr H.P. Heineken Foundation and the Alfred Heineken Fondsen Foundation. The selection of the prizes is entrusted to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.



Who can nominate?

Both institutes and individual researchers may nominate suitable candidates for these prizes until 15 October 2017. You will find a digital version of the nomination form and background information on the Heineken Prizes on our website: www.knaw.nl/heinekenprizes.




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Kloveniersburgwal 29
P.O. Box 19121
NL-1000 GC Amsterdam

Telephone +31 20 551 0763 / 0702



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