5. April, Rasmus Moen Ree will present the following trial lecture for his PhD:
Regulation of ubiqitinylation in developing organisms
9.15, the N-terminal (N.B. new time) Les videre
5. April, Rasmus Moen Ree will present the following trial lecture for his PhD:
Regulation of ubiqitinylation in developing organisms
9.15, the N-terminal (N.B. new time) Les videre
Dear colleagues,
Together with Chema Martín-Durán, we have selected six guest speakers for the MBI-CBU-Sars seminars that are going to be held on Fridays during the spring. These seminars will take place at the usual schedule and location, between 13:30 and 14:30 in the MBI seminar room. Les videre
Kirill will this Monday present the following Monday seminar:
Monoallelic gene expression
The seminar is given as part of the outreach activities of Kirill’s PhD and should be well suited for students or others interested in the topic.
Monday 27. February, 12.30 at the seminar room (N-terminalen).
Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi, NTVA, og Tekna inviterer til møte i Bergen
Tirsdag 14. mars 2017 kl. 1900
Sted: Nansensenteret på Marineholmen, Thormølens gate 47
Kan nano redde verden? Les videre
Suman Kumar will today present a Monday seminar as part of the mid-term review of his PhD. Suman is a PhD-fellow at the Sars international centre for marine molecular biology, working in Harald Hausen’s group. The title of Suman’s seminar is:
Photoreceptor development, circuitry and function in the marine polychaete, Malacoceros fuliginosus
TODAY (20.2), 12.30 at the seminar room (N-terminalen)
Development of a vaccine against enterotoxigenic E. coli based on the heat-stable toxin (ST)
13. February, 12:30, N-terminalen
(The seminar was originally scheduled for 6. February, but has been postponed due to illness)
7 masterstudenter presenterer sine masteroppgaver i løpet av desember: Les videre
We remind you of the Kjell Kleppe day with the inaugural Kjell Kleppe Lecture November 10th! The Kjell Kleppe Lecture is also part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science’s Horzion lecture series – see also the Horizon lecture invitation. Please find the programme for the day below. Abstracts and further details can be found here: Kleppe Lecture invitation Les videre
Welcome to a Horizons lecture Thursday 10th of November in Egget at Studentsenteret
Rickard Sandberg – Single-cell RNA sequencing: A modern microscope
Refreshments will be served from 15.45. The lecture starts at 16.15. Everybody is welcome! Les videre