Horisontforelesninger høsten 2013 / Horizon lectures fall 2013

Thursday 12th of September 2013 at 16.00, Egget, Studentsenteret, Epigenetics: myths, mysteries and molecules, Leonie Ringrose, Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austria

Thursday 19th of September 2013 at 15.00 in VilVite, Auditorium, Understanding basic biology using outbred genetics, Ewan Birney (EMBL-EBI)

Upcoming lectures – Horizon lectures – programme fall of 2013 

The events starts with a snack and refreshments in advance of the lectures.
The lectures are open to all. Welcome!

The Horizons lectures series by The faculty of mathematics and natural sciences aims at reaching staff, students and other interested parties, with a focus on major scientific questions and challenges.


Vennlig hilsen/Best regards Kristin Bakken

Assisterende fakultetsdirektør/Asst. Director of Faculty
For horisontkomiteen/on behalf of the Horizons Committee

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