Månedlige arkiver: oktober 2013

HMS-seminar for MN-fakultet onsdag 13. november


Dere inviteres herved til et felles HMS-seminar for MN-fakultet onsdag 13. november på VilVite.

Målgruppen er ledere, verneombud, HMS-koordinatorer, fakultetsstyret, medlemmer av Informasjons- og drøftingsutvalget, HMS-utvalgsmedlemmer ved instituttene og alle andre interesserte.  Les videre

Sex, Gender and the Brain: A Multidisciplinary Dialogue

University of Bergen, 21 October 2013

Are boys and girls ‘hardwired’ from conception to prefer different toys? How does the very notion of a ‘hardwiring’ or predisposed maleness or femaleness affect both research on sex/gender differences and the marketing thereof, in the manufacturing and selling of children’s toys? What are the promises and perils of researching sex/gender differences?University of Bergen, 21 October 2013

Are boys and girls ‘hardwired’ from conception to prefer different toys? How does the very notion of a ‘hardwiring’ or predisposed maleness or femaleness affect both research on sex/gender differences and the marketing thereof, in the manufacturing and selling of children’s toys? What are the promises and perils of researching sex/gender differences?University of Bergen, 21 October 2013

Are boys and girls ‘hardwired’ from conception to prefer different toys? How does the very notion of a ‘hardwiring’ or predisposed maleness or femaleness affect both research on sex/gender differences and the marketing thereof, in the manufacturing and selling of children’s toys? What are the promises and perils of researching sex/gender differences? Les videre