From: Lars Narve Larsen []
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 2:55 PM
To: Lars Narve Larsen
Subject: [] Bergen Research Foundation Recruitment Programme – Prequalification Results – 2015 Call
Forskningsadministrativ avdeling,
Fakulteter & institutter,
Under følger kopi av epost om utfallet av prekvalifiseringsrunden i Rekrutteringsprogrammet 2015 fra Bergens forskningsstiftelse til samtlige kandidater.
Stor takk til alle som har medvirket til gjennomføringen av denne første runden i årets rekrutteringsprogram.
Vennlig hilsen
Lars Narve Larsen
Fra: Lars Narve Larsen
Sendt: 17. juni 2015 14:49
Emne: Bergen Research Foundation Recruitment Programme – Prequalification Results – 2015 Call
Dear applicants,
On behalf of the Bergen Research Foundation I would like to convey sincere gratitude to all of you for submitting prequalification applications following the 2015-call of the BFS Recruitment Program. The foundation received a total of 18 proposals by the deadline of 10 April. Based upon thorough international review, the following 7 nominated candidates have been selected for step 2 and will be invited to submit full applications (in alphabetical order):
- Egil Asprem, Institutt for arkeologi, historie, kultur- og religionsvitenskap, Det humanistiske fakultet
- Harald Barsnes, Institutt for biomedisin, Det medisinsk-odontologiske fakultet
- Ruy Blanes, Institutt for sosialantropologi, Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
- Alessandra S. Eustáquio, Institutt for biologi, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
- Håvard Haarstad, Institutt for geografi, Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
- Inari Kursula, Institutt for biomedisin, Det medisinsk-odontologiske fakultet
- Kjetil Våge, Institutt for geofysikk, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
The finalists will receive an invitation with details of the step 2 requirements shortly. Deadline for step 2 applications: 20 August 2015. Presentations and interviews are scheduled for 2 November 2015.
General information about the BFS selection procedures may be found at the BFS website:
A copy of this e-mail will be sent to the departments and faculties of all applicants, and to the Division of Research Management at the University of Bergen.
With best regards,
Lars Narve Larsen
Bergen Research Foundation
Thormøhlensgate 51
Tel: +47 97543392