Foto: Lars Hamre
The Sea lice research centre will in cooperation with the MCB research school offer a 5-day course on salmon lice biology. Les videre
Foto: Lars Hamre
The Sea lice research centre will in cooperation with the MCB research school offer a 5-day course on salmon lice biology. Les videre
Markus Bause who is a PhD-student in the Rentszch-group at Sars will Wednesday 9. September at 10.15am present his trial lecture for the PhD-terminal at N-terminalen. Les videre
The MCB research school offer these courses in the fall of 2015. All courses are open to anyone interested, but members of the research school have priority on courses with a limited number of places. Les videre
NORBIS, the national research school in bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology, is starting its activities from the fall of 2015. Courses, conferences, workshops and seminars will be organised throughout the year.
Av Pasteurlegatet skal det den 27. desember d.å. utdeles stipendium til norske vitenskapskvinner og -menn som akter å studere et emne vedrørende smittestoffene, kjemien eller gjæringsindustrien. Les videre
Linda Veka Hjørnevik will Monday June 29th defend her PhD-thesis entitled:
Cellular Responses to Algal Toxins
The defense starts 10.15 at Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
Magali Van Linden will Friday 12 June present the following trial lecture for the PhD degree:
Links between the circadian clock and epigenetics
Time: 12 June, 13:30
Place: N-terminalen Les videre
From: Anoushka Kulikowski []
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 1:42 PM
To: Coordinators Group
Subject: Cheney Fellowships at the University of Leeds Les videre
We would like to inform you about ‘»Akademiet for yngre forskere» (The Young Academy of Norway) which is being established these days. You can find information about the Academy and on how to apply for membership in the attached flyer Les videre
22 May (10:15, Stort auditorium), Gunasekaran Subramaniam defends his PhD-thesis entitled:
Lifespan extension in a semelparous chordate Oikopleura dioica via developmental growth arrest: Roles of Target of Rapamycin (TOR) signalling and D cyclins Les videre