From: Vole Eirik Sødal []
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 1:05 PM
To: Sjøttem Eva; Vole Eirik Sødal; Johansen Terje
Subject: [] VS: Invitation to the Nordic PhD course «Bio-8302: Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer» Les videre
Kategoriarkiv: Forskerutdanning
Roles of niches in regulating germline and somatic stem cells – trial lecture
Monday 27 April, 12.30 Gunasekaran Subramaniam presents his trial lecture for his PhD at N-terminalen Les videre
1st International Brain Research School
From: Biyofizik Anabilim Dalı biophysics []
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 2:08 PM
Subject: [] 1st International Brain Research School Les videre
Internet Courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics
From: [] On Behalf Of Jarl Wikberg
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 10:47 PM
Subject: Internet Courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics – now open for application Les videre
EuroEnviro 2015 – Catalysts of Change
Turn your ideas into action.
In Gothenburg, Sweden, 2 – 10 May 2015, 50 international and 10 swedish students will get together to make the world a better place. Through seven days of inspiring workshops, lectures and conversations we will explore what really lies between vision and action. We look at the catalysts of change – and become change agents ourselves. Les videre
Støtte til forskningsopphold ved Chinese University of Hong Kong
From: Bjørn Erik Andersen
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Kirsten Moen; Nils Gunnar Songstad; Kari Nordvik; Ramune Midttveit; Stefanie Meyer; Randi Sæbøe; Birgit Falch
Subject: FW: CUHK RMPs opened for application Les videre
Invitation to the 11th basic confocal course at MIC
—–Original Message—–
From: Hege Avsnes Dale []
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 2:27 PM
To: Postmottak_MBI
Subject: [] Invitation to the 11th basic confocal course at MIC Les videre
MCB CV-Workshop 8 December
MCB Introductory course and course on Publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals
The MCB Introductory course starts with a 2-day workshop at Glesvær September 8-9, and continues with site visits at the partner institutions of MCB the following 5 Mondays. The intro course is mandatory to become a member of MCB. Application deadline: August 31.
The yearly MCB course on Publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals is held September 1-3. Members of MCB have priority. Application deadline: August 20
For further details see the MCB website
Tidsskriftet Naturen som publiseringskanal for Master- og PhD-studenter
Master- og PhD-studenter oppfordres til å bidra med populærvitenskapelige artikler. Les videre