Professor Sabine Rospert, Uni Freiburg:
The Hsp70 homolog Ssb affects ribosome biogenesis via the TORC1-Sch9 signaling pathway
Friday 21. October, 10.15 N.B., N-terminalen Les videre
Professor Sabine Rospert, Uni Freiburg:
The Hsp70 homolog Ssb affects ribosome biogenesis via the TORC1-Sch9 signaling pathway
Friday 21. October, 10.15 N.B., N-terminalen Les videre
Professor Chuna Ram Choudhary, The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, Faculty of Heath Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark:
Mass spectrometry-based global analysis of the dynamics and stoichiometry of lysine acetylation
Friday 21. October, 9.15 N.B., N-terminalen Les videre
I forbindelse med at Frede Thingstad her på BIO blir emeritus fra 2017 så skal vi arrangere et faglig seminar. Det er spesielt en av foredragsholderne, bioinformatikeren Forest Rohwer, som jeg tror mange hos dere kan være interessert i å høre på. Les videre
Time and place: 07 Sept , 12:15-13:30, Biologen, Seminar room K3/4
Cissy Ballen is a postdoc at the University of Minnesota and her research centers on strategies to reduce attrition of historically underrepresented groups in STEM fields. Les videre
Velkommen til årets første horisontforedrag i samarbeid med Darwindagen Bergen, og støttet av Selskapet for vitenskapenes fremme:
Pest! – Horisontforedrag/Darwindag med Nils Chr. Stenseth (evolusjonsbiolog UiO), Geir Atle Ersland (historiker UiB) og Bjørn Blomberg (infeksjonsmedisiner UiB)
Universitetsaulaen mandag 15. februar kl. 16.00 Les videre
Marianne Goris will Monday 15. February present the following seminar:
Naa60 membrane interactions
The seminar is part of the mid-term review of Marianne’s PhD-project.
12.30, N-terminalen
Professor Simon Jones, University of Victoria, Canada will come to Bergen and give a lecture on:
“Sea Lice ecology from a pacific perspective: ecology and host interaction” Les videre
Nucleotide transporter in mitochondria and chloroplasts: An obstacle course towards structure-function studies
Eva Pebay-Peyroula, Institut de Biologie Structurale, Université Grenoble Alpes
Norstruct and Department of Marine and Arctic Biology, University Tromsø
Vera Gorbunova, professor at the Department of Biology, University of Rochester, is visiting MBI to serve as opponent for Magali’s PhD defense. Happily she has also agreed to give the following guest lecture:
Monday 24 August, 14:00 at N-terminalen
Host: Mathias Ziegler
Monday 27 April, 12.30 Gunasekaran Subramaniam presents his trial lecture for his PhD at N-terminalen Les videre