Kategoriarkiv: Lokale seminarer / Local seminars

Pest! – Horisontforedrag/Darwindag

Velkommen til årets første horisontforedrag i samarbeid med Darwindagen  Bergen, og støttet av Selskapet for vitenskapenes fremme:

Pest! – Horisontforedrag/Darwindag med  Nils Chr. Stenseth (evolusjonsbiolog UiO), Geir Atle Ersland (historiker UiB) og Bjørn Blomberg (infeksjonsmedisiner UiB)

Universitetsaulaen mandag 15. februar kl. 16.00 Les videre

Friday seminar 9. October – Eva Pebay-Peyroula

Nucleotide transporter in mitochondria and chloroplasts:  An obstacle course towards structure-function studies

Eva Pebay-Peyroula, Institut de Biologie Structurale, Université Grenoble Alpes
Norstruct and Department of Marine and Arctic Biology, University Tromsø

  • Friday 8. October, 14:30 at N-terminalen (please note the time, one hour later than the usual seminar time due to today’s PhD-defense)

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Guest seminar 24 August – Vera Gorbunova


Vera Gorbunova, professor at the Department of Biology, University of Rochester, is visiting MBI to serve as opponent for Magali’s PhD defense.  Happily she has also agreed to give the following guest lecture:

Longevity mechanisms in the naked mole rat and other long-lived mammals

Monday 24 August, 14:00 at N-terminalen

Host: Mathias Ziegler