We are pleased to invite applications for funding of academic activities related to the four strategic areas (listed below) given in the Academia agreement between UiB and Statoil. The activity must take place by 31st December 2015. You can apply for:
1) Travel to conferences etc. related to the strategic areas for up to NOK 25000. Funds are not for educational purposes – priority will be given to participation with presentation. Please note that funding for field works is not eligible.
2) Visiting guest researchers (travel and stay) up to NOK 25 000 per researcher.
Scientific staff employed at UiB, guest researchers and UiB students (also PhD-students) can apply.Applications from PhD students and PostDoc’s will be prioritized. Please use the enclosed application form and return it to hege.hoiland@adm.uib.no by 20th October.Incomplete applications will not be evaluated.
Please note that everyone must give acknowledgment to Statoil on the talks or posters that are made to the conferences funded by Academia agreement. Regarding visiting scientists UiB applicant should ensure the guest is introduced in the relevant Statoil environment. You are encouraged to propose guest lecture at Statoil, in addition to guest lecture at the UiB will be announced for Statoil (please use your own contacts or department contacts at Statoil to organize such an event). The committee will use approximately two weeks to evaluate the applications. All applicants will be informed as soon as the evaluations are ready.
Kind regards
On behalf of the committee
Hege D. Høiland
Strategic areas in the Academia agreement 2014:
1. Prediction of reservoir properties from seismic and well studies
Reducing the gap between measured properties and model predictions on any scale. Rock physics, petro physics, enabling technologies.
2. Unconventional resources
Production of gas hydrates
3. Energy transition
A cross-disciplinary approach between social and natural sciences.
Energy meteorology
4. Geothermal energy
FME- application 2014