Månedlige arkiver: februar 2017

Reminder: Monday seminar 27. February Kirill Jefimov

Kirill will this Monday present the following Monday seminar:

Monoallelic gene expression

The seminar is given as part of the outreach activities of Kirill’s PhD and should be well suited for students or others interested in the topic.

Monday 27. February, 12.30 at the seminar room (N-terminalen).


Monday seminar today, 20. February – Suman Kumar

Suman Kumar will today present a Monday seminar as part of the mid-term review of his PhD.  Suman is a PhD-fellow at the Sars international centre for marine molecular biology, working in Harald Hausen’s group.  The title of Suman’s seminar is:

Photoreceptor development, circuitry and function in the marine polychaete, Malacoceros fuliginosus

TODAY (20.2), 12.30 at the seminar room (N-terminalen)

SIM Newsletter

Dear all,

It has been some time since you last received a SIM Newsletter, so I hope this is a welcome return. :-).  (SIM – Service Centre for International Mobility)

– Attached you will find the INN Newsletter for February. I know many of you receive this directly from INN (International Network of Norway) – good for you, but this is for the other guys, so you just ignore it if you want!

february-2017-newsletter Les videre

Horizon2020 HelpDesk ved BTO

Til utvidet rådgiverforum

Mange av dere kjenner allerede til samarbeidsprosjektet vårt med Innovasjon Norge, BTO m.fl. som vi har kalt Horizon2020 HelpDesk. Dette er en møtearena for bedrifter, forskningsmiljø og offentlig sektor for å etablere kontakter som kan utvikles til felles søknader til Horizon2020, og evt andre finansieringskilder.  Les videre