Dear Colleagues
We would be grateful if you could circulate the attached poster to your contacts publicising the 29th European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry congress to be held in Glasgow 1-4 September 2014: ESCPB Flyer
Dear Colleagues
We would be grateful if you could circulate the attached poster to your contacts publicising the 29th European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry congress to be held in Glasgow 1-4 September 2014: ESCPB Flyer
Dear all
From Universidad Complutense de Madrid and in cooperation with Norwegian and Icelandic institutions, as well as with various Spanish ministries, among them the Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, we are organizing a summer course entitled «Is science gendered? Reflections and experiences from the Norther and Southern Europe». Les videre
Dear Colleagues,
The International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
invites you to Warsaw, Poland to participate in the Heart of Europe: Zebrafish Meeting, which will be held on September 17-19 (Wednesday-Friday), 2014. Les videre
Call for Papers !!!
«Science does NOT know borders»
University of Santiago, Cape Verde 27-30 March 2014
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 15 February, 2014 Les videre
Det årlige vintermøtet til Norsk Fysiologisk Forening finner sted på Gålå Høgfjellshotellden 30. Januar til 2. Februar 2014. Les videre
Det 50. Vintermøtet arrangert av Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap (NBS) holdes
på Røros, og går av stabelen torsdag 23. Januar til søndag 26 Januar
2014. Les videre
XIVth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology
XIVth International Congress of Mycology
XVIth International Congress of Virology Les videre
Overordnet tema: Strategiske partnerskap og allianser. Les videre
I jubileumsåret 2013 har vi slått sammen alle NOKUT-konferansene til én jubileumskonferanse!
Tid: 7. og 8. november Les videre